Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tooth be told, exam results

Went off after school with his German classmate. A few boys in his class just love having him around. This German boy, in particular, wants my son to be his brother.

He was supposed to be dropped off when older German brother goes to play football, but the session was rained off. So we picked him up instead.

While stuck in traffic (thanks to road works), we were told that he had outdone even his best friend at the 'beep test'. They did this two weeks ago and because he was late from piano lesson, didn't have a fair chance at it. The Games Master told him to report after lunch for a re-test and he did.

He's top of the his class at the beep test, it seems -- but only because the stronger boys are in the other class.

Then trouble: his other tooth was out. Great big grin on his face. He's been jabbing himself in the jaw somehow due to this offending tooth and now it's out. Great big grin showing a great big gap.

Then I realized I really ought to have a chat with him despite it being so late. It soon transpired that he was given his exam results and it's Maths: 100% (average 62% in class); English 81% (average 50% in class).

Glad that he could go to bed happy, but he's lying in wait for the tooth fairy.

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