Sunday, May 11, 2008

More exam results and Cubs

They are trickling in. It seems that he has done extremely well, with a 97% in Geography (class average being 65.5%).

Both English and History are at 85% with the class average being 58% and 48% respectively.

So only the Maths result to come in.

Been to first two Cub Scout meetings and he has asked to be enrolled next week. Today we attended the church which sponsors his troop. One of his leaders was playing the organ.

Son has even learned the 'Promise' about doing his best, and thinking of others before self, etc. It will be interesting to see whether his attitude towards 'others' would improve. Being an only child it is so often a case of 'me, me, me'.

As a result of his joining Cubs I've met up again with the mums that I used to meet up with when our children were babies. The boys do not remember one another, they look so different now, but I look forward to touching base (and having 'coffee') with these mums again.

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